The Barnes Village Bugle

September 5, 2023

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No escape...

What a month August has been for travel disruption, bridges closed, roads closed, stations closed and for the past few days there have been no buses on Castelnau...

It’s that time of year where half of Barnes has headed for the hills (Tuscany perhaps?) or the beach, and despite air traffic control melt downs and record temperatures in Southern Europe it seems like those who’ve chosen to leave are the lucky ones.

For those left behind, leaving Barnes has become increasingly difficult this month. Of course, Hammersmith Bridge is closed, but, beyond that, South West London’s increasingly frayed transport infrastructure has been the gift that has kept on giving.

In August not only was Wandsworth Bridge completely closed but Battersea Bridge also closed twice – once for a fatal accident and then for a road spillage. For those two days, this left only two bridges open between Chiswick and Victoria and pretty much cut drivers in South West London off from the north bank. 
If tailbacks caused by bridge closures weren’t bad enough, Barnes Bridge Station was closed for the last week of August (it re-opened on Saturday September 2) due to engineering works on the Feltham Loop.

Finally, our old friends, roadworks, have added to the transport misery.  Just as we got used to bus delays caused by the re-laying of gas pipes along Castelnau, along came Thames Water who are digging up the end of Lonsdale Road close to St Paul’s School for emergency repair works on a large diameter high pressure water main. The road is expected to be closed until at least September 12. For the past few days (since Thursday August 31) there have been no buses going up Castelnau. However we're pleased to say TfL are changing the diversion routes as we write and hopefully by the time you read this Bugle both the 33 and the 419 will be back serving stops along Castelnau.


Other buses such as the 209, 485 and 533 will continue to be diverted.

All of this means that it’s a good job that the night-time roadworks in Church Road have now finished, but not before they drove one bus driver so mad with frustration that he drove his bus onto Barnes Green to drive round the closure (see story below).


Bus diversion details...well not quite

Usually, after running an article about traffic chaos and bus diversions we would provide a handy table outlining the route and duration of the diversions.


However, at the time of writing TfL’s website route guides don't mention the diversion and bus stop signs  indicate that the diversions are only in place until September 2.

The Bugle and presumably many other confused commuters have been in touch with TfL and luckily it seems TfL are changing the diversion routes for some buses to include the Castelnau stops. However, at the time of writing the Bugle TfL's online route guides haven't been updated.


All we can advise is to keep checking the website pages for each individual route, as surely TfL will update them in due course. Here are the links you need below:







Roll up for the magical mystery tour

Passengers on the 533 bus heading towards Chiswick undertook an exciting detour last week. Their driver, who was seemingly unaware that diversions were in place because of night-time roadworks in Church Road, decided that Barnes Green would make a useful alternative route. He pulled his bus off the road and onto the Green, drove around the pond and then exited by Côte on Station Road. This interesting driving approach was caught on video by Twitter user Fee Power.

The videos were also posted on the NextDoor app where, surprisingly, most commenters applauded the driver’s initiative.

TfL, however, is taking a dim view of the driver’s actions with Tom Cunningham, Head of Buses Business Development saying “We expect all drivers to follow the rules of the road at all times and demonstrate the highest professional standards - anything below this is unacceptable. We are working with the operator London General to investigate the circumstances surrounding this incident.”


Change to planning law causes more Mortlake Brewery delay 

If you thought that progress on the Mortlake Brewery redevelopment was slow, thanks to a new planning law released by levelling up secretary Michael Gove, it has now become glacial.

Last month we reported that the latest iteration of the plans (which were first submitted in 2019) had been approved by Richmond Council and were set to be referred to London Mayor Sadiq Khan for approval (he put the cat amongst the pigeons by turning the plans down in 2021).

This month comes news of a significant change in planning law which aims to increase fire safety levels by making sure that buildings over 18 metres (six stories or more) have more than just one means of escape (usually a second staircase). Richmond Nub News reports that the new requirements necessitate the building of an ‘additional core’  within ten buildings on the east of the site. Because this change will inevitably bring down the number of residential units in each building there is speculation that the developers will now be reducing the amount of office space on the site and allocating that to residential development.


The latest iteration of the plans for the site included only 65 affordable housing units out of the total of 1068 apartments and houses. This represents just 7% of the total housing stock (not the 19% we mistakenly quoted in the last Bugle which came from a previous set of plans). If the developers had allocated 36% of units to affordable housing the scheme would be likely to be fast-tracked by City Hall planners. However, the low level of affordable housing is not likely to make Sadiq Khan a fan.

It's not known how long it will take the developers to revise their plans or when they will be resubmitted to Richmond’s planning committee but given the need for more consultation it could be 2024 before the Mayor gets to comment on these revised plans.


Castelnau, SW13                                                 £8,500,000


A symbol of failure


Stories about Hammersmith Bridge  made the broadsheets twice this in August but not because there’s actually anything to report on progress. Instead, it has become a compelling symbol of national malaise in a country where nothing, it seems, ever gets done.

Firstly, at the start of August, Jeremy Clarkson wrote in the Sunday Times about a report by the Infrastructure and Projects Authority which, referring to HS2, came to the conclusion that “successful delivery of the project appears to be unachievable” 
Clarkson pointed out that HS2 requires over 500 bridges to be built to cross all the streams and rivers on the route, saying that hardly seems likely when nobody seems to be able to mend just one bridge - Hammersmith Bridge.

No sooner had Clarkson had his say than The Times ran a piece headlined ‘Will Hammersmith Bridge ever re-open? The main focus of the piece was the apparent stalemate between government and Hammersmith & Fulham Council, with the Department for Transport saying it hasn’t yet received a request to consider the use of a toll across the bridge (necessary if Hammersmith & Fulham Council is to afford its required one third of the rebuild cost). The wheels of bureaucracy turn slowly, and it could be that the proposal from Hammersmith & Fulham is delayed because costs for the repairs aren’t easy to pin down. After all, banks need to know that the toll fees will repay the build costs and more in order to lend.

However, if you wander down to the river it’s clear to see that there is some work going on. The area outside Digby Mansions on the north side of the bridge is now cordoned off while machinery used for driving piles into the riverbed is parked there.

An update on the council website says that this work is part of the stabilisation plan for the bridge. Engineers are now making a thorough examination of the bridge’s 200-year-old buried foundations. The foundations are older than the bridge itself as the current late Victorian bridge was erected on top the foundations of its 1824 predecessor.

The same engineers will be examining the bridge’s abutments and piers and these investigations will involve “the excavation of trial holes, the drilling of boreholes and cone penetration tests, both onshore and offshore.”

If these investigations give the bridge’s foundations a clean bill of health it paves the way for the Foster Cowi temporary bridge installation and eventual repair of the bridge (funding allowing). If they reveal anything untoward who knows what will happen – more delays and costs as the foundations are underpinned? Or, in the worst case scenario for those wanting traffic to return to the bridge, the decision that the bridge can’t after all be repaired?


Extra time needed at Craven Cottage


Every time the Bugle walks along the tow path towards Putney we glance over to the shiny new stand at Fulham Football Ground across the river. It’s mostly finished but one of the most exciting promises when the development was started was that the dog leg around the stadium for those walking from Putney Bridge to Hammersmith Bridge on the north bank was to be no more. Instead, walkers would be able to pass a parade of glossy shops and restaurants at the bottom of the riverside stand and the river pathway would be re-instated after a 127 year hiatus.

We’ve been wondering why work seems to have stopped on the development and the river pathway doesn't seem to be open. Now we have our answer, a report in the Evening Standard explaining that the building company behind the project – The Buckingham Group - has gone into administration. Fulham Football club now says it does not expect the redevelopment to be fully finished until the start of the 2024/25 season. 


New ten story hotel for Putney

Oh, the optimism. The Bugle may be full of stories of projects that are stalled or running at a snail’s pace but developers still continue to plan new projects and one such is the proposal to build a 197 bed hotel in a 10 story building at the corner of Putney High Street and Putney Bridge Road. After being initially submitted it was approved by Wandsworth Council planners in 2020 and work on the site will begin this week.


You lift me up

Work has begun to make Barnes Station more accessible to wheelchair users with the installation of three lifts. The new lifts will be connected to a new footbridge at the eastern end of the platform, meaning that step-free access to all platforms will be possible when the work is complete. However, the scheme has come under criticism by some users of the NextDoor app who feel that the lifts have been added in the wrong place.


While it will be possible for wheelchair users to change platform for the first time the location of the new lifts is quite a distance from the station entrance, and step-free access to the bus stops of Rocks Lane will not be possible. While wheelchair users will arguably benefit most from the changes, those who can walk, but with difficulty, are faced with a long walk to access the lifts in the first place.


Food heaven

The Food Fair is arguably the most laid back event of the Barnes calendar. The last chance to gather together outside before the crispness of autumn sets in.


This year the BCA is promising the return of some old favourite exhibitors - we'll be making a beeline for the Jefferson's beer stand outside in the picnic area, but there are lots of new and interesting food suppliers to check out in the marquee too. 


The Barnes Food Fair will take place on Saturday September 16 from 10am to 5pm. See the BCA website for more details.


It's criminal...

Just as car owners across Barnes have invested in safe key pouches to try and stop criminals using relay devices to open remote control car locks, it seems car thieves are now one step ahead of owners with a brand new scam.


At the Barnes Police Liaison meeting last night (September 4) news of how car thieves dressed as Thames Water employees are setting up traps. They apparently have been placing their scanners in drains which when you unlock your car scan the key code. Having found out what the code is they come back and unlock the car and drive it away. The police also reported that the same thieves scrambled Ring doorbells while the cars were stolen.


In the wild west world of car thievery it seems the only deterrent that really work are round steering locks. In the meantime if you see a workman from Thames Water inspecting the drains in your street it might be worth asking to see their credentials!


In other policing news, an arrest was made on Church Road in the early hours of the alleged perpetrator of recent robberies and liaison between police in Richmond and Hammersmith has led to the arrest of three individuals who had crossed Hammersmith Bridge in order to commit crimes in Barnes.


Get on your bike

The Food Fair's twin event is the annual charity bike sale at St Mary's Barnes, and, as always, it pays to get there early to snap up the best bargains. The queue is so well known now that local bakery the Lockdown Bakehouse is teaming up with the bike sale to raise funds for the charities the sale supports. They'll make a donation in return for every cup of coffee sold to someone queuing.


There will be a huge range of bikes on offer from kids bikes, to mountain bikes, to Miss Marples, all of which have been donated to the sale and refurbished by a team of volunteers.


It's the perfect time to switch bikes too. If you've outgrown your bike and fancy something sportier (or maybe less sporty, even) why not donate the bike you no longer want to the sale and then pop along and get a newly refurbed bike to replace it at the sale itself? You can choose to donate all the proceeds of selling your bike to charity or share in the proceeds if you prefer. If you do have a bike to donate, there are three drop-off sessions open before the sale (see dates below) and all that the St Mary's bike sale team ask is that you fill out a form online before bringing your bike along.

Bike drop off sessions

5pm-7pm Thursday September 7

10am-12 noon Saturday September 9

4pm-6pm Tuesday Sept 12


Ticket to ride

The day before the charity bike sale will see another cycling focused event in Barnes  - the start of an epic bike ride from London to Paris. Thirty parents and teachers from St Osmund's will be attempting a 280km 2 day ride to raise funds both for the school and The Royal Marsden Cancer charity. It's the second time the school has organised an epic bike ride - the last which can you see highlights of in this video was a journey to Brussels in 2019.


You can find out more about the bike ride and donate here.


Off the cuff...

For anyone with an interest in performing, improvisation is an essential skill. It makes acting free, natural and exciting.

Drama teacher Ed Cottrell has been running improv training in Barnes since 1971 and in that time his theatre group, BYT, has created over 15o different shows. Of the more than seven hundred participants many have gone on to be teachers,  performers and organisers in the arts world.


A new season of improv classes will start at the Castelnau Community Centre this September so if you want to learn from a master now is your chance.

Anyone is welcome to join, to watch or to discover their potential creativity. See more details in the BYT ad below


Join the fun at our brilliant


For anyone over 18

Learn new skills

Have a few laughs

Starting: September 21st for ten weeks finishing with a show.

Time: Every Thursday 8.15 to 10pm

Fee: £20 per session

Venue: Castelnau Community Centre, Stillingfleet Road, SW13 9AQ



Contact Director Ed Cottrell 07976 718142

Illustrations by Erin Mali aged 7


This sporting life

By the time the Barnes BookFest kicks off on September 22 the Rugby World Cup will still be in the group stages and English rugby fans will be hoping that their team will have shaken off the poor form of recent years. It's twenty years since England won the world cup in 2003 and the chances of winning again in 2023 seem quite the long shot at the moment (this year the smart money's on France, South Africa, Ireland and the All Blacks).


Still fans can dream, or at least wallow in nostalgia. But, what have musings on the Rugby World Cup to do with our wonderful literary weekend in September we hear you say? We'll there's a humdinger of an event to kick of the whole festival with a talk by local rugby hero Lawrence Dallaglio and Sunday Times journalist Owen Slot, who, together, have authored a book about the 2003 World Cup campaign, full of interviews with key protagonists like Jonny Wilkinson. It's the perfect event for rugby lovers and tickets for the event at St Mary's are available here.


Best of the BookFest

Book lovers in Barnes are pretty spoilt this autumn what with the Bookfest and the launch of the Barnes Literature Society's programme in October (see below). It's quite extraordinary to have such a stellar line up of authors for one of the country's smaller literary festivals.


This year, writers like Hannah Rothschild, Anne Glenconner, William Sieghart and Leo McKinstry will be rubbing shoulders with eminent journalists including Robert Peston, Matt Frei, Anita Rani, Simon Heffer and Trevor Phillips.


At the Bugle we're really looking forward to some literary double acts. Sonia Purnell and Anthony Seldon two of the best biographers working today are going to be talking about their respective Boris Johnson biographies, and Ysenda Maxtone Graham and the wonderful A J Pearce (writer of Dear Mrs Bird) will be discussing Jobs for the Girls an intriguing analysis of British women's working lives from the 50s to the 90s.


Finally, sprinkling theatrical stardust on the whole shebang will be Tom Courtenay who will be in conversation with theatre critic Michael Billington at The Olympic, Gyles Brandreth who will be interviewing Anne Glenconner and Patricia Hodge who will be discussing the life and works of Noel Coward with writer Oliver Soden.


Some events are already close to being sold out so now's the chance to grab your place. Click here to see the programme and book. 






We all aspire to be the healthiest versions of ourselves, but life has a funny way of throwing stuff at us. From demanding work schedules to countless daily responsibilities, finding time to prioritise our well-being can seem like an uphill battle.


If you've ever glanced at those people with personal trainers and thought, "That's not for me", you're not alone. However, it's worth thinking again as the team at Zip Fit Club understand the challenges you face and are experts at kickstarting your fitness journey. They have many loyal clients in Barnes and this month they’re thrilled to introduce their newest addition to their Barnes team, experienced personal trainer, Calum.



Founder Chris Smith and his team at Zip Fit Club get it – life can be a whirlwind, but that shouldn't hold you back from reaching your fitness goals, whatever your age. Whether you're a workout enthusiast or just starting on your fitness journey, Chris and Calum are here to help you break down those barriers and make strides towards a healthier lifestyle.



Who says you need to be a fitness guru to work with a personal trainer? Chris and Calum specialise in helping people of all fitness levels realise their potential. They understand the struggles of motivation, the tug-of-war between work and exercise, and the feeling of not being "super sporty." That's why they tailor their training strategies to you, ensuring that your sessions are not only effective but enjoyable.


Your first session includes a comprehensive movement analysis to pinpoint your strengths and areas for growth. 

They will chat about your goals, your aspirations, and craft a fitness roadmap that suits your lifestyle

Plus, get ready for a mini workout that's tailored to your level.


Zip Fit are all about celebrating progress, no matter where you start. And the cherry on top? You'll receive some friendly advice that's as supportive as it is motivational.




Finding time to squeeze in workouts can be a challenge, but Zip Fit Club brings the gym to you. Whether it's your cosy living room, your back garden or the great outdoors at Barn Elms Sports Trust's fantastic functional training ground, they have got your convenience in mind.


Don't let life's busy schedule stand in the way of your fitness goals. Embrace a holistic approach to health with Zip Fit Club and let Chris and Calum guide you towards a more active and vibrant life.


It's not just about working out – it's about making a commitment to your well-being that lasts.


As a special offer for Bugle readers Zip Fit are offering your first session at half price. If you decide to continue with sessions on an ongoing basis they will take 20% off your first ten lessons.

Get in touch

Just mention the Bugle to get your discount.


20 years of literary treats

It's not just the Bookfest that pulls in the literary star names. Just a meander through the past speakers list of the Barnes Literary Society reveals an extraordinary selection of authors, from P D James to Tom Holland via Elif Shafak and Tracey Chevalier. Some of the authors were already stars in the literary firmament when they came to visit and some were debut novelists who have gone on to make quite a name for themselves.


That's why it's so worthwhile joining the literary society, it gives you the chance not just to meet and talk to your literary heroes but to discover new authors who then become firm favourites on your bookshelves.


The Literary Society is celebrating its 20th anniversary year this year and is kicking its season off in September with a talk by the wonderful Kate Mosse who will be talking about her latest book The Ghost Ship.


It costs just £30 to join the BLS and for that you get the chance to go to six author talks a year. Now that's a bargain. Just click here for more details on the BLS website.


Join Ukraine's greatest novelist at a literary lunch

Andrey Kurkov is  perhaps best known for writing the darkly humorous Death and the Penguin. As an author he is ridiculously prolific: 19 novels, 9 children's books, 20 documentary scripts. Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine he's been a chronicler of the war and an exemplar of the Ukrainian people's resilience.


He's visiting London this month (he has an English wife and his daughter lives here) and during his stay he's giving a talk in Richmond at a literary lunch. He'll be talking about his latest book - Jimi Hendrix Live in Lviv and much more.


The talk will be raising funds for the Sant Egidio School of Peace in Ukraine a charity close to Andrey's heart and supported by his family as volunteers. It will be held on Tuesday September 12 at the Royal Mid Surrey Golf Club and you can find out more here.




If you, or anyone you know, might be interested in joining our local Almshouse community, we would love to hear from you.












To apply you will be over 60 or have a disability and you will be on a low income. In need of sheltered housing, but able to live independently. You must also currently live in Barnes, or the borough of Richmond, or have a connection to the area.

For more information or to arrange a visit, please call 020 8741 8148


Community centres week

It's Community Centre Week next week, although a week really isn't long enough to celebrate the work of the people who provide help, support, and a place to meet across the country.


In Richmond there are ten community centres including our own brilliant Castelnau Community Centre in North Barnes which has free kids clubs, a community cafe, a Citizen's Advice outpost and much more. It also hosts our local food bank.


Elsewhere in the borough there's so much on offer. There are sociable ways to get fit, from a community gym at the Cambrian Centre to indoor bowls at the YMCA White House. At ETNA Community Centre, volunteers take surplus food and turn it into tasty lunches. Greenwood Community Centre hosts a ballet school.  Whitton Community Centre is home to a whole range of specialist interest clubs.

For older members of the community, the Avenue Kew Club, Elleray Hall, Linden Hall and Mortlake Community Association have weekly groups, social clubs, day trips and many other programmed events that appeal to all.

Many of Richmond's community centres also have spaces  for hire, at very reasonable rates, for you to launch your own enterprise, host an event or teach a class.

You can contact your local community centre to see what’s on  at or why not pop into the Castlenau Community Centre to see what it has to offer.




In an area where so many of us have much-loved pets, it's hard to believe that Barnes can be a hot spot for abandoned cats and dogs. Luckily though, we have a charity in our midst that does extraordinary work.


Run by local veterinary nurse Kerry Flynn, Protected Paws has a no-kill policy meaning that cats and dogs referred to their care will be fostered and adopted, not put down.


Just one glance at the Protected Paws facebook page is enough to melt your heart. There you will find cats and dogs looking for foster and forever homes and stories that reveal the sadness of the plight of kittens dumped on doorsteps or injured strays begging for food.

"We step in where other animal charities can't help"

With cats the main problem, says Kerry, is lack of neutering. "One mother cat can have up to three litters of six kittens in a year, if those kittens also go un-neutered and their offspring too the result is hundreds of unwanted cats. We also see kittens that come from kitten farms where they are overbred and kept in unhealthy conditions. When the kittens are ill or can't be sold unscrupulous breeders abandon them."

Kerry Flynn, Protected Paws founder

Freddie's story

Stray cat Freddie was found by a mother and daughter who alerted Protected Paws to the plight of this badly injured cat. Poor Freddie had a huge (13cm) gash on his neck and certainly would have died from sepsis if he hadn't been rescued. Thanks to donations from Protected Paws supporters, Freddie has been treated with antibiotics and regular bandage changes and now his wound is nearly healed. He was looked after by a Protected Paws foster carer who has given Freddie the happy ending he deserves by adopting him.

How you can help


Veterinary fees are often beyond the means of some pet owners and many injured and sick animals come to Protected Paws when owners can't afford their treatment. Donations to Protected Paws pay for veterinary care and also for the food the rescued animals need.

You can donate by clicking on the buttons below.


With so many abandoned animals needing owners, Kerry always encourages people looking for pets to consider a rescue animal first. She says "We always support our new adoptive owners throughout the process and one of the benefits of adopting with us is that the animal will be fully vaccinated and neutered."


If your circumstances mean that adopting a pet isn't possible, the Protected Paws team are always looking for short term foster carers who can take in animals while they are undergoing treatment and waiting to be adopted. if you think you could be a foster carer click the get in touch button below.


Volunteers can help with rescues, and also supporting animals that are being kept at Protected Paws before being adopted or are undergoing treatment. When animals are nervous and need to feel safe volunteers can do a great job in socialising animals ready for adoption as well as just providing practical help like feeding.

Click here to donate
Click here to get in touch

A pawfect partnership

Barnes-based Rachel Andre is the woman behind new pet brand Tippaws.

She has used her years of experience working with major pet food brands to devise a super healthy dried food for cats and an exceptional clumping cat litter product.

Rachel not only volunteers with Protected Paws, she makes a donation to cat rescues with every purchase of a Tippaws product. She's even paid for this Bugle advertorial! During September Tippaws will donate a bag of cat litter to Protected Paws for every order made by a Barnes resident. Find out more about Tippaws by clicking below.


Made in Barnes

Barnes can be full of surprises. For example, did you know that one of the most glorious British vintage cars was manufactured in Barnes? Until this month we had no idea, until we walked down Willow Avenue and noticed an elaborate set of gates for the first time.


The gates are the only survivors of the Beverley Works a factory that made aeroplane parts in the first world war.


At the end of the war the Belgium owners of the factory pivoted their production to making car parts, most notably for the first 3 litre Bentley. In 1924 they decided to make a car of their own and the Beverley Barnes was born. Costing over £1,000 at the time, the car was of course hand made and luxuriously finished.  It is thought that only 25 models were ever made making a Beverley Barnes a very rare collector's item indeed.


The one in the image above was sold for £48,000 in 2009, goodness knows what it would be worth now.


Tales of the riverbank

Picture: Andrew Wilson

Our Thames-side location is one of the things that makes Barnes such a fantastic place to live, but how much do you know about what's going on along the river? 


What's happening with the Thames Tideway project? How polluted is the river? How is the river being used to transport people and freight? What are the plans for the new Putney Pier?


The person who can answer all these questions and more is Jim Trimmer, the Director of Planning and Development at the Port of London Authority and he's giving a talk to share his knowledge on Monday September 25 at 7.30pm.


The talk is being organised by the Putney Society and will be held at Community Church, Werter Road off Putney High St (opposite Sainsbury’s) SW15. The date's already in our diary.



half term activities

October 16-26

The autumn half term coincides with the run up to Halloween so Wurkshop have devised a whole series of ghoulish craft workshops to inspire young minds. All the sessions are hands-on and designed to get participants thinking both creatively and practically. Kids taking part will come away with a new skill and most importantly have fun.


Bookbind a leather spell book

Find out more

Try clay pumpkin carving

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Ghostly painting by candlelight

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Halloween lanterns and spiders

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Hand carved tombstones

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Wizards' & witches' hats and capes

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Design a vampire's lair

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Write and publish Halloween stories

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Make broomsticks and wands

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Halloween lanterns & willow spiders

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Hand carved tombstones

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Wizard & witches hats and capes

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Design a vampire's lair

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Write & publish a Halloween story

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Broomsticks & wands woodwork

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Find out more

Wurkshop offers seven fantastic term-time classes, for children aged 7 to 12. Delivered by a series of brilliant and engaging professional artists, our clubs offer the opportunity for children to learn new techniques and practice core creative skills.

With group sizes limited to 7, we ensure that all our students receive plenty of individual attention and encouragement. We prioritise working with high quality materials and the clubs take place in a relaxed studio environment, in the centre of Barnes.


Workshop 9/10
The Mews, 46-52 Church Road
SW13 0DQ


The world's toughest row

Our local oarswomen are made of stern stuff and no more so that Robyn Hart-Winks. She is part of a rowing team The Tidewaves who met and rowed together at the University of London Boat Club. In December the team will be competing in the World's Toughest Row in December.


It's a gruelling challenge in which they will be at sea for two months encountering 40 foot waves as they row 3,000 miles across the ocean from La Gomera in the Canary Islands to Antigua.


The row will raise money for three charities who support access for young people within sport: Access Sport, SportsAid Scotland and incredible local charity, London Youth Rowing. 


Robyn is currently looking for sponsorship and are looking for small businesses or individuals to donate between £250 and £1,000 in exchange for branding on the girl's boat.


You can find out more here.



Picture: Andrew Wilson

The Ponder is back! Join us for the Barnes Ponder 2 to celebrate our achievements since the original Big Barnes Ponder back in 2013 and to co-create a refreshed vision for Barnes for the next ten years.

The Big Barnes Ponder of 2013 helped shape Barnes as we know it today. Importantly, the exercise of the community coming together to shape our future has shown the positive influence we can have if we work as a team.  Over the last ten years the community and businesses have together helped transform Barnes into a more thriving and diverse village with wide ranging cultural and environmental initiatives.  Volunteers have worked with partners to deliver projects such as the new High Street scheme, Suffolk Road playground, the parklet, the outdoor events on Barnes Green, the 22 bus campaign and the re-routing of the 378, the rickshaw, defibrillator phone boxes, the 20mph campaign, the Barnes Day Out project, the shop local campaign and mural project and much more.  
Ten years on, you are invited back to share your views on the very different challenges we face today.  Join us and have your say at Barnes Ponder 2.0 at the Barnes Green Day Centre on Saturday 14 October between 10am and 4pm.   Drop in for a few minutes to view the exhibition or stay longer and participate in the workshops - it’s up to you.  
Have your say on the key issues facing Barnes and then work with experts in smaller groups to consider and plan for the particular challenges we face, whether social, economic or environmental issues such as social isolation and well-being, fostering the local economy, getting about and accessibility, flood resilience, and local developments.  Leaders in the field of community planning will facilitate the sessions and share their thoughts.
If you can’t join us on the 14 October, we still want to hear what you think and will be gathering views online.  Keep an eye out for a link in the next Bugle.


Time to think

The Workers' Educational Association is a venerable body with roots going back to 1903.  It is the UK's largest voluntary sector provider of education and one of Britain's biggest charities. 


It runs regular classes in Barnes and this autumn you can join a fascinating series of literature classes focusing on how authors have negotiated the issues and legacy of Britain's colonial history. Featured writers will include Joseph Conrad, Kipling, Paul Scott and Michael Ondaatje.


You can find out more here.


New cafe at Boat House site

We hear that a new café is lined up for the old Boathouse site, but that's as much as we know at the moment. We'll bring you more news when we know more. However, in the meantime, if you're looking for the excitement of something new you can pop along to White Hart Lane where the Farmer's Mistress has finally opened on the site of the old Camile Thai/Annie's.


And further treats are in store with the opening of the newly refurbished Waterman's Arms which is still on course for a September 28 open date. Bookings should open on their website later this week.


Bearing fruit

If  you are lucky enough to have an apple tree in your garden, it's also likely that you have more apples than you know what to do with. If that's the case why not donate them to the team at Barnes Common?


The centrepiece of their annual Autumn Fayre on Saturday  October  21 will be a vintage hand-turned apple press, making delicious apple juice. But in order for that to happen, they will need two things: strong arms to turn the press, and apples to be juiced. Barnes Common appealing to the community to save all the apples they can for the pressing.


Find out more here.


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What's on in September?

Check out our guide to What's On in Barnes this month, and remember to double check dates on venues' own websites. We check information to the best of our ability but sometimes dates and other details are subject to change.

Films at The Olympic

The Olympic is really playing to its strengths this month. The blockbusters which work so well in the cinema's wonderfully specced main auditorium are still there to be enjoyed (it seems there are people still living who haven't seen Barbie or Oppenheimer) but there are other strands to the programming which exemplify what a special venue the Olympic is.

Firstly, it is absolutely the place to see music films. No other cinema can boast of having been a world famous recording studio. That's why the Olympic runs so many rock and roll films in the first place but also the reason that they often come accompanied by great Q&As with film makers who are drawn by the Olympic's unique charms and Dolby music system. This month there are no fewer than five films devoted to rock legends and two of them - Angelheaded Hipster (a Marc Bolan documentary) and Have you got it yet (the story of Syd Barrett and Pink Floyd) are accompanied by live Q&As with the directors. If glam or prog rock aren't your bag there's plenty more for music lovers to enjoy including an Elvis documentary, the world premiere of a profile of guitarist Carlos Santana and a timely showing of Martin Scorsese's The Last Waltz, perhaps the ultimate rock movie, in response to the death of The Band's Robbie Robertson.

Rock music films may be a major strand of the Olympic's programming but its art house offering is pretty stellar too. Opera lovers who don't want to spend hundreds of pounds at the Royal Opera House can enjoy Das Rheingold at a fraction of the price, art lovers have the chance to see a fascinating documentary on Turner  (complete with a Q&A with art historian Nick Wilkinson), ballet lovers can see Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake and theatre lovers who didn't get hold of one of the hottest tickets in town this year can enjoy James Norton's performance in A Little Life.

Away from the niche documentaries and live arts broadcasts there are the usual mix of big screen re-runs of classics (Serpico, Badlands, Enter the Dragon, French Connection) and September's biggest new releases. These include The Sound of Freedom, the controversial film about child trafficking that's been championed by the religious right in the US, Pedro Almodovar's  new western Strange Way of Life and the hotly Oscar-tipped love story Past Lives.

Great shows at the OSO

It may have been 'no show' August at the OSO last month but that doesn't mean the staff were putting their feet up. Artistic Director Lydia Sax has been scouring the Edinburgh Fringe for shows that deserve a transfer to London and between September 26 and October 1 you'll find a selection of some of the best shows from Edinburgh being performed right here on our doorstep. Details of what's on aren't available yet but expect newly written plays, family theatre and of course stand up comedy.

Elsewhere on this month's schedule there's cabaret with a Mittel European flavour in Cabaret Beyond Borders, a tribute to great American singer songwriters of the 60s and 70s in Fire & Rain & American Pie, more comedy from the Comedy Store and Codpieces, the sublimely silly Shakespearean parodies of Perry Pontac. 

If all of that leaves you feeling in need of drink the OSO can oblige too with an evening of gin, cocktails and beer courtesy of Wimbledon Garden Gin and the Wimbledon Brewery. Cheers!

Wetland wonders

Here's our pick of what's on at The Wetlands.


Bat Walks - Every Thursday in September, 7.30pm

The Wetland Centre is one of the best places to watch bats in London as they have about seven species that hunt on site. Their bat walks give you the chance not only to see these amazing flying mammals and their astonishing aerial acrobatics, but also learn more about them with a talk by one of their bat experts.

More info here.


Charcoal Making and Wetland Art -  Saturday, September 16, 11am

Explore the art of crafting charcoal in a mesmerising fire, followed by creating your own charcoal ink using foraged willow, along with other natural inks allowing you to unleash your creativity.

More info here.



The Urban Birder -  Saturday, September 9, 10am

Watching birds in urban areas is far easier than  you may have imagined.  Over 600 species have been found within the UK since records began and over 90% have been discovered in our urban areas. Birds are everywhere, even in the heart of the concrete jungle. The knack is learning how to notice and eventually recognise the birds that share our urban lives. Join the Urban Birder David Lindo for this introduction to appreciating the abundant birdlife in our urban areas.

More info here.

Music at The Bull

This month at the Bull there's quite a breadth of music to choose from.


Like folky Americana? Then folk/blues guitarist Mike Ross is just what the doctor ordered.


Prefer virtuoso modern jazz? Tony Woods is your man. Check out his improvisational mastery here on YouTube.


Or perhaps you are curious to find out what New Zealand roots music is? In which case, there's the chance to see Paul Gurney and Richard Adams, who are touring the UK in September prior to heading off to Nashville for Americanafest.

Talking the talk

Tuesday, September 19, 7.30pm, The OSO

Barnes Philosophy Club: How to think like a philosopher

In showing how the great philosophers of human history lived and thought – and what they thought about – Peter Cave provides an accessible and enjoyable introduction to thinking philosophically and how it can change our everyday lives. He will address questions such as: Is there anything 'out there' that gives meaning to our lives? Does reality tell us how we ought to live? What indeed is reality and what is appearance – and how can we tell the difference? 

Find out more here.

Thursday, September 21, 8pm

St Mary's Barnes

Barnes & Mortlake History Society: A slice of pie - boatyards, bands, artists and inventors

Join the Barnes & Mortlake History Society for a fascinating talk about the history of Twickenham's Eel Pie Island, so named because of the delicious eel pies once served there.

It's the place where in the 60s the Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton and Rod Stewart performed at the Eel Pie Island Hotel and where until his death in 2021 inventor Trevor Bayliss lived. 

Find out more here.

Monday, September 11, 8pm

Dryburgh Hall Putney

The Arts Society Lecture: Sir Christopher Wren and the rebuilding of the City of London

This lecture uses Wren’s buildings to tell the story of the rebuilding of London after the Plague and disastrous Great Fire of 1666. Drawing on royal patronage and up-to-the-minute science, Wren worked with a team of eminent collaborators to rebuild 51 new churches, crowned by the extraordinary domed, baroque St Paul’s Cathedral.

Find out more here.

FiSH Tuesday Morning Talks, Barnes Green Centre, 11am, for FiSH members

September 5, Join Val Blyth of the V&A for a talk on Insect Pests Found in Historic Houses and Museums.

September 12, Fine wine expert Jana Schauer is giving a talk on English Wines.

September 19, Vicki Magrath is giving a talk on The Development of Artificial Silk at Kew.

September 24, Olivia Keegan Carr talking about the History of Marble Hill.

Find out more here.

Walking the walk

Wednesday, September 6, 6pm

Flora & Fauna of the Leg O'Mutton Nature Reserve

Join Veronica Schroter for an early evening walk around this beautiful hidden nature reserve.

Originally a reservoir, the site was decommissioned in 1960. It's fascinating to see how the site has rewilded with trees breaking up the concrete walls and herons and wildfowl nesting in tranquility.


Find out more here.

Saturday, September 16, 10am

Kids' photo walk on Barnes Common

This walk for children aged 10 or over is a great chance to explore the common in the company of expert nature photographers Herman Ng and Andrew Wilson.

The walk will identify the best spots for nature shots and Andrew and Herman will give fantastic professional photography tips along the way.

Find out more here.

Thursday, September 21, 6pm

The Trees of Barnes Common

Join Barnes Common's Conservation Manager Will Dartnell for a walk focusing on trees. See veteran oak, hazel and other trees and learn about deadwood habitats and hazel wood coppicing. Discover where our birds, bats and insects live and find out how you can help them thrive.

Find out more here.

Chorus of approval

Tuesday, September 12

All Saints Sheen, 7.30pm Barnes Choir Rehearsal

If you are a singer looking for a choir why not come to Barnes Choir's rehearsal for its Advent Concert on November 25?

It is a friendly choir of 60 Singers led by Musical Director, Julian Collings. The programme includes Magnificats by Vivaldi and Pergolesi, Bach’s Wachet Auf, and pieces by Mendelssohn and Bruch. Email for more information or to let the choir know you plan to come along.

Find out more here.


About the Bugle

The Barnes Village Bugle is an independent publication. People often think it's produced by the Barnes Community Association, but no, they have their own excellent email Prospect Plus. 

At the Bugle we endeavour to simply report what's going on in Barnes in as comprehensive and entertaining a way as possible. We have no agenda apart from spreading the word about the huge number of genuinely interesting things happening in and around Barnes and sharing information about local campaigns and news events.

If you have a story you would like to see featured in the Bugle do email us by clicking here.

We can't guarantee that we'll run it, but if we think it's going to be interesting to our readers then we'll publish your information.

If on the other hand you want to publicise a commercial venture then it's easy to advertise with us. Our mailing list has nearly 5,000 subscribers so you'll reach lots of people in Barnes very inexpensively.

The Bugle is a labour of love, not a profit-making venture. We pay to send it out and our mailing costs are covered by the fantastic support we get from Winkworth and our other advertisers. We'd love to get more advertising as that would at least go some way into covering the costs of our time, so if you advertise with us you'll not only be reaching a large audience you'll be keeping a local resource going.

At the Bugle we endeavour to check information for accuracy to the best of our abilities. However we are reliant on information provided to us by third parties. On occasion, dates and times of events may be subject to change and we would urge Bugle readers wishing to attend events, or use a service mentioned to verify information in advance. Where possible we provide links to websites to allow readers to double check the most recent information available, as details can be subject to change.



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